Monday, May 02, 2016

Killers getting away with murder: Quebec police toss out homicide evidence

  Sloppy police homicide departments across Quebec have destroyed or misplaced evidence, making it almost impossible to solve many cold case murders.
   This shocking news has emerged after tenacious pressure from concerned citizens like John Allore who has championed the cause of all the dead after his sister was killed in the Eastern Townships.
   Allore was able to determine that key evidence in the following Quebec murder files has been lost or tossed out.

  • Sharron Prior (Longeueil police)
  • Manon Dube (Surete du Quebec)
  • Theresa Allore (Surete du Quebec)
  • Roxanne Luce (Longeueil police)
  • Katherine Hawkes (Montreal police)
 The Hawkes case is the most recent such disaster and the first tying Montreal to such police negligence, as a relative of the woman killed in Montreal on Sept. 20, 1977 recently received a letter from Montreal police indicating that “… there is no usable evidence at this point.” 
Theresa Allore
   It's frustrating because an audio telephone recording of the killer's voice has recently been recovered. Scroll down to near the bottom here to listen to the killer's phone call. 
   Montreal police improperly disposed of such crucial evidence as a beige sock, bra, sweater, coat, hair rollers and toothpaste in a shopping bag, hair strands that she had pulled out of the attacker's hair and DNA samples that would identify the man who raped and murdered Hawkes in St. Laurent.

   An RCMP homicide detective lent to the Montreal police department to examine cold case murders once told me that he was finding it difficult to solve old murders in Montreal because in some cases key evidence had been tossed out. 

   He said he was surprised to see the state of the files but would not specify which cases he was referring to. The revelation was deeply troubling.

   One might conclude that you could easily get away with murder in Quebec considering the sloppy disposal of evidence, low solution rates and substandard practices compared to such places as Los Angeles where a murder victim was recently identified from 1969 because police went to the trouble of carefully keeping remains to allow for DNA analysis. 


  1. Well this is most excellent. Thank you Kristian.

  2. Just like Sharron's case..evidence destroyed..that is going to have to change!!!Disgusting

    1. So here's at least three unsolved murders (possibly related) where the police have destroyed evidence. It's suspicious! Collusion?

    2. THe most disappointing thing is most cases the murder lives within a 5 mile radius of the victim it is said from other studies. I wanted to become a cop and read a lot on different topics.I say each and every one of then knew someone or was in contact with someone that knew them. It not really someone who comes from far away to commit such a crime. Someone they know or have come in contact through someone else. I hope they find the bastards my wish.

  3. Same story in my mother's case, Suzanne Blanchard, killed in Montreal on august 9th, 1982. Evidence destroyed. Thank you for bringing this horrible negligence to light.

  4. I still say it is always someone that you know or someone close that they know.They say the person involves lives within a 5 mile radius . It's not someone who just happens to creep into the area to do this horrible stuff. You have to trace back to find any problem with someone no matter how small it seems to you it could of triggered something . Hope they find all these bastards.


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